No One Walks Alone

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5th Annual Brace for the Race 5kCelebrating World Clubfoot Day

I can't believe this incredible event was three weeks ago! I had the most fantastic day advocating for those with disabilities and meeting many new people, especially the kiddos. My morning started by participating in the Brace Race riding in a Hippocampe wheelchair. Thanks to my fantastic Team, No One Walks Alone came in at 31:37! And then, I was honored to announce and present awards to the Brace for the Race runners and walkers.

The most rewarding part about this annual event is meeting so many children who can't believe I have a disability just like them. I am pleased to say I now have so many new members, and I can't wait to mentor and watch them grow. Thank you to everyone who visited my booth! And a big thank you to my supporters who worked at my booth with me, Handing out pamphlets, Business cards, Candy, and T-shirts to new members. Together, we continue to prove that anything can be achieved with the right support system.

#Service #Style #Success  #NemoursDeptford #Nemours #Clubfoot #LimbDeformity #Nemours #MakingNegativesintopositives #worldclubfootday